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Sell an 11-years-old adopted daughter.

The Dong-a Ilbo July 16, 1934

金 sold the adopted daughter 宋相奉 (11).
Appeal with tears.
金 forced a prostitute to an 11-years-old girl.

十四일 오후四시경 어떤소녀하나이 시내본징서 보안게에 촘루하야 올어자면서 보호?긴정한일이잇엇다 
송상붕은 인선 도산성 다섯살매 양신을 여이 사고무진의 몸이 되어 삼어? 길이아득하엿는데 마침 시외 신당리에 사는박모에게 양녀로 들어와가여운생명? 의시하여앗다 그런데 양아바지라고 하는 자는 린상봉 하롱리 짐흥식에게 二백五十완을 받고 팔엇다 그래 함수없이 김흥식에게골려자서 맘에없는 우숨파  부를술른는 노래??어가면서 손?에게 써비슬?하여앗으나 아모영문도 모른 정조??으라는데는 도저히 순종할수가 없어서그갭이 경찰서로 ?려와서 보흐를애?하것이다
본싱서에사는 전기 김흥식을? 러서 일살상의 설유름 따러가라니까 「죽어도 여기서 죽갯소」하면서몸무림을 섯으ㅘ 지옥마갈은 그속을 할수없어 지윽마갈은 그속을 다시 잧어가게다되엇


Fourteen at about four o'clock in the afternoon of a girl who is seen in the city.
Song Sang-bong is a five-year-old sister of the Inseon Doosan castle. As long as I'm getting better, I finally get into Park, who lives in Shinseon-dori, in the suburbs. It is said that the person who is called the Yangpal is sold to the young reunion Halong Lee Jimgang after receiving 250,000 won. I do not know how to do it, but I can not obey it because I do not know English. So Gap is going to the police station
Is this Kim Jung Sik who lives in this singer? 'I can not do that because I'm going to pick up the sun on my first day of death. I can not do that.'

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At around 4:00 pm on the fourteenth day of the month, a girl has seen a sign of security in the city. As long as I'm getting better, I finally get into Park, who lives in Shinseon-dori, in the suburbs. It is said that the person who is called the Yangpal is sold to the young reunion Halong Lee Jimgang after receiving 250,000 won. I can not obey him because he can not obey his father's name, but he will come to the police station and come to see me. 'I can not do that because I'm going to pick up the sun on my first day of death. I can not do that.'

Microsoft Translator

Whole commercial in which one girl around 4 pm this Gong should come to security to protect their sleep was topped by Lu? is a long established, this switching song sang-whoosh is edge to the five-year-old Mae yangxin bankruptcy Castle and four rubber's body is three? Length as far as having to live in the new suburbs are finish night to listen to the Western lives and stepdaughter? The amount claimed by way of: is Abba are said to a young reunion Longley Jim Heung-Sik under age fifty to a hundred some Wan is an arm switching Yes function without sleep trying to bone Kim Heung-Sik is not like Wu might sing for the sake the wealth par breath?? Written in non-slum cooled hand?? the AW, but armor might chastity belt in English?? Having called to obey the gap that hardly couldn't come to the Police Department as an analyst stream? look? "will live on in this XING electric Kim Heung-expression? Stand back, destruction of u go get rid of creepy Ta 「 die this is dead sea cow 」 while body and body don't go hell ㅘ to Kung Fu is that you do not go back through the air that travels a path that has been done to jac

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Fourteen 일 오후 four 시경 어떤소녀하나이 시내본징서 보안게에 촘루하야 올어자면서 보호? 긴정한일이잇엇다 송상붕은 인선 도산성 다섯살매 양신을 여이고 사고무진의 몸이 되어 삼어? 길이아득하엿는데 마침 시외 신당리에 사는박모에게 양녀로 들어와가여운생명? 의시하여앗다 그런데 양아바지라고 하는 자는 어린상봉 하롱리 짐흥식에게 two 백 fifty 완을 받고 팔엇다 그래 함수없이 김흥식에게골려자서 맘에없는 우숨파 부를술모른는 노래?? 어가면서 손? 에게 써비슬? 하여앗으나 아모영문도 모른 정조?? 으라는데는 도저히 순종할수가 없어서그갭이 경찰서로 ? 려와서 보흐를애? 하것이다 본싱서에사는 전기 김흥식을? 러서 일살상의 설유름 따러가라니까 '죽어도 여기서 죽갯소'하면서몸무림을 섯으ㅘ 지옥마갈은 그속을 할수없어 지윽마갈은 그속을 다시 잧어가게다되엇


  • server error


no service

Microsoft Corporation

It was a great time to stay in The City of Bonn, where some girls were protected. 
Song Sang-boon is a five-year-old man who is a member of the Company, and he becomes the body of an accident-free man. Life after being a stepdaughter in the city of Shindong-RI? But the one who is called Yang Avaji is a song that he does not like because he is not like designing the right-hand man, who is not like designing by the young sanguine Halongli Jim Heung-Sik, who is not in the same way. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that. I can't obey him, so he's going to go to the police station and say, "I'm going to go to the police station."
Electric Kim Heung-sik in Bonsingseo? "Even if I die, I'm going to die," he saidᅪ



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十四日四つの投光照明のいくつかの女の子の1つの流れパターンの要求は、セキュリティ上で退屈する必要があります来るであり眠る保護? 長い公平な日が続いて切換えであるソングの上の棚は刃先の失敗の5歳毎の量を、この歴史のゴム製のボディが 3?長さの限りして犯されるために一方で長距離新堂には夜運転するには養女に入って来ているが後の人生か。の時、安らぎのあるどんなに良いアバとする者は、子に再会する롱리ジムのインスピレーシヨン式に二袋五十椀を受け取り、腕の調整であるはい関数なしで金興式にゴールしようとする者から好きではない私たちの呼吸の波を飲みかもしれない歌?でありながら手を? に書かれている非露でも、まず、英語も知らない正?ありということはほとんど純血種がないため、そのギャップが警察署に? しようとして明らかに流れる子供? することであるこのシンガポールに住んでいる電気金興式か。によって日の破壊の有機肥料を娘が呪文か「死んでもここで殺される海センター」は、ボディの武林をだから私がㅘ地獄の馬はそれらの手続きをすることができないか、やがて馬は彼をもう一度잧がになる切換え

Yandex Translate

Fourteen 일 오후 四 시경 어떤소녀하나이 시내본징서 보안게에 촘루하야 올어자면서 보호 すか? 긴정한일이잇엇다 송상붕은 인선 도산성 다섯살매 양신을 여이고 사고무진의 몸이 되어 삼어 すか? 길이아득하엿는데 마침 시외 신당리에 사는박모에게 양녀로 들어와가여운생명 すか? 의시하여앗다 그런데 양아바지라고 하는 자는 어린상봉 하롱리 짐흥식에게 二 백 五 완을 받고 팔엇다 그래 함수없이 김흥식에게골려자서 맘에없는 우숨파 부를술모른는 노래 か?? 어가면서 손 すか? 에게 써비슬 すか? 하여앗으나 아모영문도 모른 정조 か?? 으라는데는 도저히 순종할수가 없어서그갭이 경찰서로 すか? 려와서 보흐를애 すか? 하것이다 본싱서에사는 전기 김흥식을 すか? 러서 일살상의 설유름 따러가라니까'죽어도 여기서 죽갯소'하면서몸무림을 섯으ㅘ 지옥마갈은 그속을 할수없어 지윽마갈은 그속을 다시 잧어가게다되엇



ソングサングブング人選倒産五歳良臣事故無尽なって? キルイアドゥックハヨッヌンデちょうど市外党利住むパク某養女入って来て可哀相な生命? 疑視して奪い取るところでヤンアバ脾臓する幼い再会ハロングリチムフングシックペック五十ワン受けてパルオッダそうハムスオブイキムフングシックエゲゴリョジャマムエオブヌンウスムパプルルスルモルン黄色い??御駕?エゲサービス?して奪い取るアーマー英文知らなかった情調??ウラヌンデ到底順従することがオブオソグゲブ警察署?リョワポフルルエ?ハゴッイダ

ポンシングソエサ電気キムフンシク? ロシア殺傷ソルユルムよって行きなさいといったら死んでここでチュックゲッソハミョンソモムムリムソッウチオックマガルクソックすることができなくチウックマガルクソックまたチャッオガゲダドゥエオッ


ソングサングブングは人選倒産性ダソッサルメ良臣を女で事故無所の身になってする? ギルイアドックハヨッヌンデちょうど市外新党里にサヌンバックモに養女でドルオワがヨウンセングミョング? ウィシハヨアッダところでヤングアバジと言う者はオリンサングボングハロングリジムフングシックに 二百五十ワンを受けてパルオッダそう関数なしにギムフングシックエゲゴ-ルリョザでマムエオブヌンウスムパブルルスルモルンヌン歌??御けと手?にサービスを?ハヨアッウやアーマー英文も分からない情調??ウラヌンデは到底順従する事がオブオソグゲブが警察署で ?リョワでボフルルエ?ハゴッだ
ボンシングソエサは電気ギムフングシックを? ロシアでイルサルサングのソルユルムタロがラだから 「死んでもここでズックゲッソ」ハミョンソモムムリムをソッウ ジオックマガルはグソックができなくてジウックマガルはグソックを再び オがゲダドエオッ

Microsoft Corporation

Bonxing Ruiは電気金興食ですか?「死はここで死ぬ」と言い、5ᅪ地獄のマガルは、その内なる苦しみから、ティマガルは彼に再び来ました。


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