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Why is Korea anti-Japan?

In order to break down the corrupt politics of YangbanThe Enlightenment Party of Joseon and Japan carried out the Japan-Korea merger


Near the end of the war, when it became clear that Japan would be defeated, Ryusaku Endo, the political commissioner of the Korean Governor-General's Office, came into contact with independence activist Lyuh Woon-hyung.

日本が敗戦するとわかった終戦まじか、朝鮮総督府政務総監の遠藤柳作は独立運動家の呂運亨(りょ・うんこう、Lyuh Woon-hyung)と接触しました。

Endo Ryusaku approached Lyuh Woon-hyung to delegate administrative authority to maintain public order after the liberation of Korea.


Lyuh Woon-hyung accepted on the condition of the release of political prisoners and non-interference in the independence movement, among other things.


Lyuh Woon-hyung believed that by taking over the structure of the Federation of Korean Industries, he would be able to quickly build up the country.


And he thought that alliance with Japan and the power of the intellectuals who are experiencing studying in Japan such as Song Jin-wooCho Man-sik (Graduate School of Meiji University), Kim Seong-suAn Jae-hong (above Graduated from Waseda University). 

He then asked for Japan's cooperation, believing he needed it.


He needed the help of intellectuals who had studied in Japan, such as Song Jin-woo (graduate of Meiji University, assassination), Cho Man-sik (graduate of Meiji University, execution), Kim Seong-su (graduate of Waseda University), and Ahn Jae-hong (graduate of Waseda University).

宋鎮禹(そうちんう、ソン・ジヌ、Song Jin-woo、明治大学卒業、暗殺)、曺晩植(チョ・マンシク、そう・ばんしょく、Cho Man-sik、明治大学卒業、処刑)、金性洙(キム・ソンス、Kim Seong-su、早稲田大学卒業)、安在鴻(アン・ジェホン、Ahn Jae-hong、早稲田大学卒業)など、日本で勉強た知識人の力が必要だと考えました。 

For him, these were essential to building the system.


On September 6, 1945, Lyuh Woon-hyung proclaimed the independence of the People's Republic of Korea, a unified North and South Korea.


However, the Allied Forces side (the United States) did not recognize the foundation made by Koreans.

The era of military rule by the US military began. 

One month later, in October 1945, a man named Syngman Rhee came back from the United States on the Korean Peninsula. 

His argument is that the Unification of the Korean Peninsula with anti-Communism.

The United States did not recognize the new government by Lyuh Woon-hyun nominated by Japan.

The US requested control using Syngman Rhee connected with the US society. 

Dong-A Ilbo owned by Kim Seong-su reported “The Soviet Union insists on United Nations trust territories” and “The United States insists Instantaneous independence” on The Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers

Syngman Rhee of the Pro-American faction actively used ‘misinformation’ to mislead Korean people.

When it is reported that it is a policy to United Nations trust territories the Korean Peninsula in December 1945 on The Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, a movement against this (United Nations trust territories) was deployed throughout South Korea. The United States was planning the independence of South Korea alone.

The United States and Syngman Rhee make people oppose United Nations trust territories and they thought that do not implement a unified election in North and South Korea.

Immediately after the end of the war, the US military failed in governance by the military rule of the Korean Peninsula. People’s dissatisfaction has been rising.  

Separation independence in South Korea alone under the control was a realistic and reasonable choice realistic and reasonable.

Lee Sang-bong and colleagues formed ‘The National Association‘ as a government reserve organization. He left the “The Korean Provisional Government“. 

Syngman Rhee and The Korea Democratic Party and others began to move to force independence of South Korea alone. 

Due to “false alarm”, Syngman Rhee replacing the story of South Korea independence, It was a convenient option for the United States.

“Instantaneous independence of North-south unity government” demanded by Kim Gu conflicted with the independence of South Korea alone promoted by Syngman Rhee and the United States. On March 12, 1948, Kim Gu who made a statement against South Korea’s sole general election, eventually, he was assassinated.



Left-wing system (The Communist Party of Korea, Democracy national front etc) United Nations trust territories agree with the North-south unity government.

左翼体制(韓国共産党、民主主義国民戦線など) 国連信託統治領は南北統一政府に同意。

The neutrals (Lyuh Woon-hyun, Kim Kyu-Sik etc) United Nations trust territories on hold Establishment of a unified government between North and South by left-right cooperation.

中立国(Lyh Woon-hyun、Kim Kyu-Sik など) 国連は保留中の信頼領土 左右の協力による南北間の統一政府の確立。

The temporary government system of the Republic of Korea, which failed independently after the end of the war, reserved opinions on the issue of United Nations trust territories. 


However, they wanted the Korean people to establish a South-North unified government. 


It was a position to build the state beyond factions. Because they wanted independence, I conflicted with America. In the end, Lyuh Woon-hyun was also assassinated.

派閥を超えて国家を築く立場でした。 彼らは独立を望んでいたので、私はアメリカと対立しました。 結局、リュウヒョンも暗殺されました。

The military policy by the US military began without the historical background and period of learning the situation on the Korean Peninsula. 

The confidence of the military government by the US military has declined more quickly than the opinion adjustment inside Korea progresses. 

The military government of the United States which can not keep it up the situation. 

The Pro-Japanese group, being knowledgeable about Japan group, and Communism group became the undisputed power for the United States.

In the Moscow, the United States had agreed ostensibly to establish a unified state throughout the Korean peninsula. 

However, perform elections in this state, Syngman Rhee who lost support will defeat, if a government that does not reach the influence of the United States is established, unacceptable to the United States.

The United States hated most disliking that the Korean first administration was established in the situation of anti-US rise. 

While the US military government completely loses confidence. As soon as possible, the need to eradicate anti-American forces was born, even with illegal means.

Clamped down on “The Pro-Japanese group and being knowledgeable about Japan group” In South Korea, The Pro-Japanese group became regarded as anti-government. 

「親日派と日本に詳しい派閥」の取り締まり 韓国では、親日派は反政府と見なされるようになりました。

The Workers’ Party of South Korea and South Korean socialist forces became a major force. Later, it will merge with The Workers’ Party of North Korea and become The Workers’ Party of Korea

韓国の労働党と韓国の社会主義勢力が主要な勢力になりました。 その後、北朝鮮労働党と合併し、韓国労働党となる。

The party that becomes the predecessor of the current North Korean government. In response to the failure of US military government land and food policy, In October 1946, Daegu October Incident occurred, with 2.3 million Koreans uprising against the Allies, and more than 100 victims came out.

現在の北朝鮮政府の前身となる政党。 米軍政府の土地と食糧政策の失敗に対応して、1946 年 10 月に大邱 10 月事件が発生し、230 万人の韓国人が連合国に対して蜂起し、100 人以上の犠牲者が出ました。

People who rose in rebellion on Jeju Island were repressed by Korean troops. The security forces will carry out the execution/purging of the hidden South Korean Laborers’ irregular forces and the islanders who deemed them to be in sync with them. After the establishment of the Republic of Korea on August 15, it was continued by the Korean army (formally launched at this time).

A historic genocide case occurred. Jeju uprising At Jeju Island in South Korea, which was under the rule of the military government of the US Army Commander in Korea in April 1948, 60 thousand people, one in five people of the Islanders, were slaughtered.

The Islanders was conducting a demonstration to appeal the establishment of a self-independent nation which was united in the South and North in Jeju city. 

Police fired to the Islanders and an incident occurred in which six islanders were murdered. 

The shooting incident by the police officer was not accidental. Syngman Rhee administration was about to bring it to a riot.

Those who escaped repression at this time were those who were regarded as Communist party forces or The Pro-Japanese group. 

Those who had a Japanese name due to Sōshi-kaimei and who received Japanese language education fled to Japan, many Koreans living in Japan were born.

The military government was seeking a riot that could justify suppression behavior. For that, legitimate strikes were inadequate. 

White Terror (No English version) is terrorism that the government side supports. Illegal repression of bringing a right-wing youth organization and causing terrorist acts were carried out under the leadership of the US military.

The Workers’ Party of South Korea began to compete against guerrilla warfare. However, this movement was an expected uprising for the US military who originally planned White Terror. 

Because they can get the excuse for slaughter.

A revolt from the inside of the military occurred against the repression of the Korean government which was too bad. 
The rebellion occurred at the 14th Regiment of the defense guard station in Yeosu-gunSouth Jeolla Province. They were ordered a marching order got down to suppress Jeju uprising. 

On the 10th of May 1948, the general election was forced into a major opposition with the United States military government succeeded in eliminating the leftist who disliked the most.

On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was established with the boost of the United States. Syngman Rhee was appointed the first president with the support of many parliaments. Three years since the end of the war, the US puppet regime was born.

1948 年 8 月 15 日、アメリカの後押しで大韓民国が成立しました。 李承晩は、多くの議会の支持を得て初代大統領に任命されました。 終戦から3年、アメリカの傀儡政権が誕生した。

Kim Il-sung, who later founded North Korea, was one of the politicians who appealed for self-reliance on the entire Korean nation on the Korean Peninsula.
Following the persecution of the Labor Party in South Korea and the movement of the US-led South Korea separation, he stopped power transmission to South Korea and opposed it.

後に北朝鮮を建国した金日成は、朝鮮半島で朝鮮民族全体の自立を訴えた政治家の一人でした。 韓国での労働党の迫害や米国主導の南北分離の動きを受けて、韓国への送電を停止し反対した。

Kim Il-sung did not name the state until the founding declaration of the Republic of Korea. Attention here. Under the guidance of the Soviet Union, it was originally his goal to stabilize the governance system. There was no movement to isolate North Korea. South Korea separation under the initiative of the United States made Kim Il Sung a decision to build the state.

金日成は、大韓民国の建国宣言まで国名を挙げなかった。 ここで注意。 ソ連の指導の下、統治体制の安定化が当初の目標だった。 北朝鮮を孤立させる動きはなかった。 米国の主導による韓国の分離は、金日成に国家建設の決定を下させました。

In this way, the separation between north and south was fixed.


Anti-ethnic act punishment law (No English version) is the law of the Republic of Korea.  

According to Article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, it was enacted as Law No. 3 on September 22, 1948. 

Anti-ethnic act special investigation committee (No English version)) was constructed based on the anti-ethnic act punishment law of the National Assembly. 

It was able to make a judgment including the death penalty only by the trial.
Major people who contributed to the development of Korea during the Japanese merger era were recognized as anti-ethnic doers (No English version). 

Anti-ethnic conduct a special investigation committee was established for investigation. 

It was legally recognized that the armed special judicial police officials arrested and interrogated the corresponding person. Becoming accredited as a national day It became accompanied by social risk.

Anti-ethnic act punishment law was questioned not only for the composition of “anti-state group”, voluntary support, money reception but also to “praise” or “inspire” this. With the enactment of this law, the state control became more radical.

The rebellion ranged from Yeosu-gun to the neighboring Suncheon-gun. Syngman Rhee immediately put down the suppression force. 

The rebellion troops were suppressed on 27th October 1948 after a week. The remaining soldiers then escaped to the mountains in the north. 

The guerrilla resistance lasted long.

In the case handling, the Korean government ‘s left-wing campaign was extremely severe.
In addition to the revolt troops, 8000 unarmed civilians were killed. Many people have escaped to Japan and became the background to become Korean and Korean residents in Japan.

The year after the National Security Law, In June 1949, An organization organized for the purpose of turning the left wing person and separately controlling it. 

the National Leadership Association (No English Version) is created as “an organization that systematically protects, controls and monitors converters. 
It became possible to easily make various anti-government forces the target left to be eradicated, and it contributed greatly to strengthening the power of the Lee Dawn regime.

“Register who is considered to be leftist. By making it into a database, Korean government managed unitary anti-US anti-US force. More than 300,000 people were registered. It will lead to massacre later.

On December 24, 1949, the Korean Army 2nd Division No. 25 Regiment No. 7 Squadron 2nd Platoon 3rd Platoon shot the unarmed women, children, old man 88 people. In the massacre under Syngman Rhee’s government, it was a small scale.

The Syngman Rhee administration dispatched army troops, slaughtered the inhabitants, asserted the communist as a crime, and concealed the situation. As a strong authoritarian dictatorship system was established, remarks advocating parents’ day or communism became taboo.

On August 6, 2009, the Seoul High Public High Court (High Court) approves of illegal acts, establishes prescription, and dismisses claims for bereaved family members.


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